picture abhi baaki hai........

An Interlude: In the voice of Rashmi


"Hi guys. This is Rashmi here.....So finally this day has come. We are about to get married. The feeling has yet to sink in. Amidst all this excitement and flurry of activity, it is easy to get carried away with the flow. In the rush to get to the destination one loses track of the journey. And then the beauty of the journey gets forgotten as time goes by. Hence, my dear friends, I thank you for your support and encouragement along our story so far but please bear with me while I take a moment to reflect on our journey so far, lest it gather dust like some forgotten old photograph.


I was fortunate to have been born to two wonderful, doting and supportive parents who firmly believed their daughter was capable of excelling in everything she undertook. Their belief in me also gave me tremendous self-confidence from an early age. I did well in sports, learnt to play the violin, won numerous awards in debate, was head girl of my school and did fine academically too. I sometimes wonder looking back now how I managed to balance all of that. But I guess it had to do with my parents pushing me to pursue everything I was interested in. And once I took up something I would do it passionately. I guess that is why I was never hindered by my small town upbringing.


Back then, we would shift houses often through various towns and cities of U.P.as my parents both worked for the government. Around my X standard my Dad decided to set up his own business and we settled in Lucknow. After my Board I and a friend of mine decided to fool around on her father's scooty. She knew a little bit how to ride and proposed to teach me. That is when REEMA spotted us and came over. If there was one person I always admired it was REEMA. She was then a rising tennis player and had just won the junior national championship. She was something of a role model to all the girls in the locality. Her father had taken retirement from the army and was running his own business.


"Do you girls really want to learn or are you just fooling around?" REEMA had asked.


"Of course we are learning"


"Well what are you doing on this little thing? Come, I shall teach you on the real thing!"


We were confused as to what she was talking about. She went into her house and came out sitting astride her father's Enfield.


"I will teach you to ride this. Then you will really experience the joy of riding."


My friend was shocked “How can WE ride THAT?"


I however was thrilled. I always had an adventurous streak. "This is awesome, let’s do this."


REEMA said to my reluctant friend, “It is easy at least try. Once you learn to ride this you can ride anything."


I got on first, REEMA showed me the basics. My initial nervousness was quickly overcome and I managed to ride without stalling or falling on my first go itself, which really boosted me. I was a quick learner and was soon riding on the streets. I found myself seeking excuses to go over to REEMA's house to ride her bike! And let me tell you, the confidence, the exhilarance that comes with riding a bike are a feeling unmatched.


I was hooked, and I was going places! Me and REEMA, were a team. Whenever she was at home we would get onto her bike and off we would go, taking turns at the controls. It never really mattered where we went, we just had to ride. Thankfully REEMA wasnt home very often, else I would have really messed up my grades!


We did attract a lot of stares, as is wont to when you have a young woman riding a bike in a small town. But then, I was never really the type who cared. I remember an aunt warning my Dad against me riding such heavy bikes saying I might get injured, but my Dad just replied that Rashmi can even handle airplanes if she wants! Yeah, he was always embarrassingly proud of me.


I received my first bike in college. My Dad gifted me my beast, the Enfield which I am riding now for my 18th birthday! I was stunned, we were not that rich. This bike was a luxury. I felt guilty and protested to my Dad but he just sushed me and said he just wanted to see me happy and ride. And ride I did. I traversed the length and breadth of North India, both as part of a group and alone. I was part of a biker group in college, yeah I was the only girl. But I certainly had the best bike and was the best rider by far! I took good care of my bike and she took good care of me. I did numerous trips with my group, just as I did numerous trips with REEMA. Now we each had our own bike. We were sisters on wheels. By the end, I probably knew the highways as well as any truck driver!


Of course, many boys were interested in me. And many more were overwhelmed by me. But I somehow could never relate to any of them. I wanted somebody supportive and comfortable in his own skin around me.


After college, I had one of my biggest adventures. I was visiting cousins in Delhi. One of my cousin's friends asked if I would be interested in participating in a bike ride all the way till Chennai with a couple of other riders for charity. Of course I said yes! You can never tire of riding a Bullet on the open highways. Just open up your throttle fully and get into the "zone" as you fly past things. And of course. if you are in the ghats, even better! The ride to Chennai was very long but I never felt the stiffness or lost concentration. I guess that is when I realized that biking had become second nature to me.


I then went to IIM, Ahmedabad after that which I am grateful for as it landed me the job which led me to Manish. Manish is the sweetest, most considerate person I have ever met and he really makes me laugh! I know what you guys must be thinking, poor chap stuck with a wild girl! How could these two people so different come together? Well, that is hard to explain, but it’s kind of like counterpoints in music, two completely different tunes sounding completely in harmony when played together.


I just thought I will share one incident before I sign off. It was shortly after our first ride to Murud. I was with some colleagues at a coffee shop, when I spotted Manish waiting at a bus stop on the opposite side of the road. I realised we were close to his office, he was heading back home. The conversation in the coffee shop was getting boring so I borrowed my friend's CBZ and decided to surprise Manish. I parked my bike in front of him and called out to him, "Is this the way to Borivali?"

 He was stunned to see me. I just love his expressions in moments like these ;)

 We chitchatted for a bit when his bus arrived.

 "Thats my bus, I got to go" Manish said.

 "We both know you are not getting on the bus. Hop on!"

 He fussed a little as always before getting on. We rode a little; Manish was again being shy and not holding on to me. I decided to get playful and did not brake over a speed breaker. As expected the bike jumped a little and Manish came crashing into me.


"I will if you hold on to me!" I teased him.

 He whined a little and then held on to me. I felt a thrill as he did that. I always enjoyed riding a lot but somehow with Manish riding behind me it was a different and superior joy that I felt. He seemed to complete the riding experience.

 And then, it suddenly started to rain. Despite the rain hitting hard, I felt completely cozy in his hug. A whiff of fresh air blew and I stretched my arms out in abandonment. The rain was just so romantic. I checked out Manish's expression in the rearview and his eyes reflected in harmony to what I was feeling. Two different personalities, completely in harmony when together. The counterpoint. We were in love.

 I finally had to rush to return the bike to my friend. I had completely forgotten about the bike and had so many missed calls from him!..and speaking of forgetting, I have almost forgotten that I am getting married soon! Gotten rush and do keep checking into our story soon!"

TO BE CONT.......

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